Waterparks - 'FUNERAL GREY' Single Review


FUNERAL GREY by American rock band Waterparks is absolutely awesome. I love a lot of Waterparks' stuff, but I think that their last few singles have been questionable - particularly their 'Fandom' album. I liked the first single, Turbulent, from it, but after that I lost interest.

But at heart, I am still a fan, and my patience has paid off.

New single FUNERAL GREY is catchy, with a heavy drumbeat which makes it almost impossible not to dance along, or at least tap your foot in time. It is not a typical Waterparks song, and yet it follows the same formula - lead singer Awsten Knight projects his voice as if on a stage at a festival, and the listener is sucked in and obsessed. It will take weeks before I stop listening to this song.

FUNERAL GREY is fun, and, I think, one of the best songs from Waterparks so far. However, the first line is a little incomprehensible save for the last few words. This is okay, because it is still awesome.

Waterparks perform at Good Things Festival, Brisbane, 2018. Photo by Beth Hayward via Wikimedia Commons
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