Ringo Starr - 'Zoom In EP' EP Review


Over fifty years since The Beatles broke up, and the remaining two are still making music and releasing it to the world. In December 2020, Sir Paul McCartney released McCartney III, and in March 2021, Sir Ringo Starr has just released his newest EP, entitled, Zoom In EP.

Starr's five-track EP, recorded in lockdown is heavily influenced by these 'unprecedented times' - and the EP borrows its name from the video call platform, 'Zoom'. He has collaborated with a cocktail of the world's most talented musicians, including former Beatle and longtime friend of Starr, Sir Paul McCartney, and Foo Fighter and fellow drummer, Dave Grohl. On several occasions, Starr has emphasised that all COVID-19 restrictions were respected and followed throughout the recording of the EP.

'Here's To The Nights', the first track on Ringo's coronavirus EP, is a song written by American songwriter Diane Warren about the upcoming nights of celebration following the June 21st easing of restrictions in Britain. It is an incredibly sweet song, perhaps at times too syrupy to listen to, and yet there is something incredibly emotional about the single. It was released as the lead single, and is easy to see why - it features backing vocals from Dave Grohl and fellow former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney - and grows on you the more you listen to it. 'Here's To The Nights' is catchy, and it grows on its audience.

The following track, 'Zoom In Zoom Out' has a really cool blues riff that overrides the cheesy lyrics and instead makes the song one which you'll tap your feet to and find yourself humming throughout the day. It is perhaps not what I would listen to usually, and I would argue that there are better songs on the EP, but there is a certain playfulness to the lyrics that keeps drawing you back to listen to it, and to enjoy Zoom In EP all the way through.

Sir Ringo Starr presents the 2021 Grammy Awards
Sir Ringo Starr presents the 2021 Grammy Awards

'Waiting For The Tide To Turn' is perhaps my favourite song on the EP because musically, it is so unlike what Ringo has produced before. 'Waiting For The Tide To Turn' has a distinctly reggae sound to it, and I would argue is the strongest track on the EP.

The final track on the EP is 'Not Enough Love In The World' and is in sharp contrast to the previous track in that it is not experimental and instead is so typically Ringo Starr that hearing the song is like embracing an old friend. It embraces Ringo's famous 'peace and love' ideology, and is so incredibly cheesy that it is awesome. A fantastic end to a revolutionary EP.

Ringo Starr's latest EP is nothing if not cheesy, but it is so typically Ringo that if it was anything other than cheesy, you'd be disappointed. His musical talent is unquestionable, even at aged 80, and I can't wait to hear more from Sir Ringo Starr, who promises that there is more music to follow in the later part of this year.

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