Ringo Starr - 'Change The World' EP Review


Over fifty years since The Beatles broke up, and the remaining two are still making music and releasing it to the world. In December 2020, Sir Paul McCartney released McCartney III, and in March 2021, Sir Ringo Starr has just released his newest EP, entitled, Change The World.

Starr's EP consists of four tracks, with the final being Rock Around The Clock, a cover of the vastly successful song by Bill Haley & His Comets, the titular track of the 1956 film.

The EP opens with Let's Change The World, which is near enough the title track. It is an upbeat number with a catchy sentiment and one that I think is very important, however I think that the track sounds quite auto-tuned, which is disappointing as I think that Ringo Starr has a great voice - however, the man is 81, and so the use of autotune can almost be forgiven, or at least accepted.

The second track, Just That Way, is heavily inspired by the reggae sound which dominated much of his last EP, Zoom In. The song is simple, but features extraordinary backing singers who are incredibly talented and should, I think, be recognised in their own right.

The penultimate song is called Coming Undone, has what I can only describe as 'good vibes' and an infectious beat. It is full of untapped energy, and is jazzy and eloquent whilst also being quite simple. I really enjoyed it, and until this point, I thought it was the best on the EP.

The best song on Ringo Starr's new EP is, however, most definitely Rock Around The Clock, which as previously mentioned is a cover of the Bill Haley song. I love this song no matter who sings it because of how upbeat and dance-able it is, but it is perfectly suited to Ringo's voice. Additionally, it has quite a link to The Beatles, which of course, Ringo is most famous for - Paul McCartney went to see the 1956 Rock Around The Clock film in the cinema when he was just a teenager, and Bill Haley was a hero of the band.

Overall, I think that this EP was disappointing. Ringo is a talented musician, but he churns out new music so quickly these days that what he does release is losing its impact. I am not implying that he should stop making music, or even releasing it, but I do think that he needs to limit what he releases and space it out to ensure that each new record has the most impact that it possibly can. However, having said that, I will never stop buying new music from Ringo, and love the passion and energy which he puts into every song, and this EP is no different. Change The World is infectious, with a joyous, peace loving sentiment to it that I think is of paramount importance in today's society.

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