Pete Townshend - 'Who I Am'


One of the greatest guitar virtuosos ever to have lived, Pete Townshend has lived quite the life. His book should have been un-put-down-able... but it was boring. It was very focused on recording songs, and the different equipment used, which is not what I personally read an autobiography for. I read autobiographies for the juicy bits of the person's life. I want to know what drugs they took and what songs that inspired, I want to know how their wives found out they were cheating with a girl ten years younger than themself. Pete Townshend's book was way too centric around the science-y bits of music, and not enough about his personal life... and when it was about his personal life, it was pretty much just a rewording of the same thing; Karen (Townshend's ex-wife) and I weren't happy at home.

Pete Townshend, Hamburg 1972. Photo from Wikimedia Commons
Townshend smashes guitar, 1972. Photo from Wikimedia Commons

The only thing which I did find particularly interesting to read about was Townshend's arrest for having signed up to porn sites featuring children. He claims that this was because of something to do with a Russian mafia-like dealing of young boys in orphanages.

I'm not so sure I believe him.

But this was the most interesting part of the book. It was the most personal, and definitely the darkest time written about within the (over) 500 pages.

So overall, I would not recommend this book to anybody who doesn't want to be half bored to death. Yes, his guitar playing is exemplary, and out of this world. His writing? Not on the same level.

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