Liam Gallagher - 'C'mon You Know' Single Review


The second single from Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher's upcoming studio album, the single C'mon You Know is also the title track of the album, which is set to be released 27th May 2022. The song itself is super electric and has simple lyrics. There are gospel singers on the track, as well as backing vocals towards the end which sound like a crowd. Maybe it is; I honestly don't know if these vocals were recorded at a festival (the photograph for the album was taken at 2021's Reading and Leeds Festival).

I think that C'mon You Know is going to be a fan favourite, and will be one which is always included in the sets of Liam Gallagher. I can just imagine an audience of thousands screaming and singing along to this.

It is pure energy, and is absolutely fantastic.

I love it.

Gallagher quite often tweets out 'c'mon you know', so it came as no surprise - to me, at least - when it was announced that this was what his new album was going to be called. His catchphrase, it seemed, is being put to good use with such a banger of a song.

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