George Ezra - 'Anyone For You' Single Review


George Ezra went to my secondary school, so of course it was drummed into me from the age of eleven that we could scale the heights if we put our minds into it. This was about the time that Ezra released 'Budapest' (2014)... but honestly, I would have loved Ezra's sound anyway. His voice is unique, his songwriting personal and upbeat.

All of his compositions to date have been the same, in my opinion...

And his new song, entitled 'Anyone For You' is no different. The single is the first from Ezra's new album, which is to be entitled Gold Rush Kid, and is currently slated for a 10th June 2022 release.

'Anyone For You' is fun, and as soon as I heard it I wanted to dance around my room - which is not unlike how I feel for most of George Ezra's songs. His voice is his sound, and the new single definitely sounds like him - I realise that that is a silly thing to say, but it's true. His new single is pure George Ezra. He isn't trying to be Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, or Sam Fender. He is totally himself, and I think that it has paid off. 'Anyone For You', I hope, will be the sound of summer 2022.

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