About the Music Devotee Blog

My name is Ruby Tuesday Smith, I'm 21 years old, and a Romany Gypsy. I have a BAH in journalism from Liverpool John Moores University, and I am currently studying for my masters degree in tourism management at the University of Westminster.

I currently work for the Magical Mystery Tour, Liverpool's longest running Beatles tour.

I have been a community reporter at the Liverpool Echo regional newspaper. 

I write for a magazine based in Hereford, called Travellers Times, and I review books for them as well as writing pieces to be published on their site. I am also a cultural adviser on series 5 of Channel 4's 'Ackley Bridge'.

I set up this blog because I wanted to write about what I love - music. I have a real passion for it, and my entire life revolves around song. I wanted to share my love for music with the world, but I didn't know the best way to do it. I want everyone to feel about music how I do.

Music helps me to cope with everyday life; I have high functioning autism, diagnosed only in 2017, which is quite late. Because of my late diagnosis, I didn't know a lot about how to cope, and it was like that until I got the diagnosis, and even after... but over the past few years, I've developed ways - and music helps me so much. With music, I can calm down. It's incredible, really. I can focus, and take myself out of daily life. Music allows me to take a deep breath and carry on without a meltdown.


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